Archive (week of 9.2.01):

9.7.01 (friday)


9.5.01 (wednesday)

I've decided that the reason I order so much stuff on-line is that I like getting packages in the mail. And because of my freakish obsession with my car, I ordered a 1:25 scale replica of it. It arrived today.

lil beetle close up

Why yes, that is Charmander driving.

9.4.01 (tuesday)

windmillsI finally have my car back. I can't tell you how happy I am. AND I received all sorts of goodies in the mail today:
- a business card from miss shauny
- the pen I ordered from levenger and
- some shampoo and other lovely things from lush

It's so nice to come home to mail that contains more than just bills.

I forgot to mention that the "quick" section is back, but there's only a couple of links to it. One of them being at the bottom of this page.

9.2.01 (sunday)

maxTomorrow is a holiday. Hopefully you have the day off. My cousins and I do, so we're taking this holiday opportunity to go visit my grandparents. We drive up today and come back tomorrow. And then we're all back to work.

I actually can't wait for it to be Tuesday, that's when I should have my beloved car back. Then I will be a very happy camper.

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©2000,2001 whitney brandt
All artwork,photgraphy etc. done by me, unless otherwise noted.