(week of january 13, 2002)
January 15, 2002 • Tuesday Night
An announcement that most of you can ignore:
My e-mail appears to be having issues. If anyone has sent me e-mail in the past couple of days, there's a good chance I didn't get it.
If you really need to say something to me, please send e-mail to my yahoo account until further notice. Thanks.
January 15, 2002 • Tuesday
I went and had dinner at the local pub last night...
White Haired English Bartender Guy: Are you staying to play Trivia tonight?
Me: Is tonight trivia night? I though Wednesday was trivia night.
Bartender: Trivia is always on Monday! Wednesday is buffet night.
Me: Oh, I thought Thursday was buffet night.
Bartender: Yeah, it was, about 2 years ago...what's wrong with you?!
I'd like to think I'm a 'regular' at the pub, but apparently not. Only when one knows the 'theme' nights at the pub are you a true regular. I have no trouble remebering what Tuesday is, but that probably has to do with the fact that it's 'cheap ass beer night'.
Maybe I should write down the theme nights on my hand, so next time a 'pop quiz' comes up, I can answer all the questions right, and at least appear to be a regular.
January 13, 2002 • Sunday
Did you know that Food TV morphs into infomercial hell at around 1 am? I had no idea. I expect cooking shows 24/7 from a cahnnel like Food TV. Unfortunately, these are the things I learn when I can't sleep.
I went bowling yesterday with the little brothers (who are actaully not so little, height-wise) and the Wicked Stepmother. We decided to play with the bumpers down, so the ball wouldn't find its way to the gutters. Littlest bro thought it would be more fun that way, and indeed it was. BUT even with the bumpers down, I could only bowl a 77.
It's nice to know that even without the help of the infamous "gutter ball", I can still reach my 'below 100' goal when bowling.
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